Article posted on October 11, 2024
Returning a Seasonal AED to Service
Some public facilities such as schools, curling rinks, hockey arenas and other seasonal buildings often close their doors during the warmth of summer. Each year, as the new school year kicks off and the autumn season starts, preparing these facilities for reopening to the public should include making sure AEDs are ready for use.
The start of a new season is the perfect time to inspect all AEDs in the facility. This will catch any issues that may have come up, such as expired batteries and pads, warning messages and other problems that may prevent the defibrillator from being ready for use during a sudden cardiac arrest.
Follow these steps to return a seasonal AED to service and update the Heart Safe AED registry:
1. Complete a visual inspection of the AED.
- Confirm that the AED is located in its proper location, such as a wall cabinet or bracket, and that it is in good condition.
- Clean the device if needed, as dust and debris may accumulate during the off-season. Remember that when out-of-service, AEDs should be stored in a clean, dry, temperature-controlled environment to help mitigate the accumulation of dust and protect the device from temperature fluctuations which can damage the internal components.
- Check that the pads and battery are within their expiration dates. Remember that batteries expire based on their date of installation. This may be tracked by a sticker or tag with the device, or on your Heart Safe account.
- Check the status window for error lights, symbols or other warning messages. A green flashing light, green checkmark or OK symbol indicate the device has passed its self-check, while a red flashing light, red ‘X’ or wrench indicate the device requires attention. Ensure that the device is not beeping or chirping, as this also alerts that there is a concern with the device.
- Refer to the AED’s user manual or manufacturer website for specific inspection and test instructions.
2. Sign in to
- Click on ‘Manage AEDs’. Choose the appropriate seasonal AED and, if needed, change the status back to ‘Active’, then click ‘Save’.
- Complete an online inspection for each AED.
More details are available on the Heart Safe website:
- “How to complete an AED inspection”
- "How to maintain your AED"
- “AED Batteries: What you need to know”
If you have any questions or need assistance returning a seasonal AED to service or updating site coordinators, please connect with us at
Last Updated: Friday, October 11, 2024